Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ten Things for Tuesday

Usually when I start a blog, it's because I have something to say, I know where I'm going. However, I am realizing that I have apparently fallen out of the habit of composing blogs over the last three months, so I'm starting this one without knowing what I am going to say.

Let's see...one of my friends always does a "Ten Things for Tuesday List," a collection of 10 random thoughts, comments, or happenings. I'll try that.

1. I am currently on my lunch break, and I'd like to say that I cobbled together a really good lunch today. I had...1 cup of brown rice with 1/2 cup of lean ground beef, topped with 1/2 cup each of fresh tomatoes and broccoli, heated through and dressed with tamari sauce. And an apple. YUM!

2. The weather where I live is generally crazy, but today is really nuts. It's going to be 80 record-breaking degrees today! I, of course, haven't listened to the weather for a few days now, so I am wearing one of my heavier sweaters. Guess I won't need to use the space heater in my office today! LOL!

3. Here's a little personal tidbit: I drink a lot of water every day. I mean a lot...to the tune of 12 to 18 eight-ounce glasses daily. (For you non-science majors, that's around 3/4 of a gallon to a gallon--or more--of water.) I don't know why my body likes this much water, but it does, and it doesn't seem to cause me any problems (other than the need for frequent breaks! :-D). Now, I generally don't drink much else in a day other than one cup of coffee in the morning. I don't usually drink cokes/soda/pop, juices, or tea, so water is pretty much it for me. (a caveat, for the worriers in the group: Don't worry about me. My body has done this for years and years. I am not sick and I don't have diabetes or any other such disease. I just need a lot of water.)

4. I can see God doing really exciting things in the lives of my closest friends and family members. It is really great to see His hand at work in their lives.

5. I lead a pretty sedate life. My week almost always consists of these basic components, with little variation: work, church, teaching, discipleship, preparing for teaching and discipleship, going to the gym, and the life-maintenance items you just have to get done (laundry, dishes, shopping, etc.) The nice thing is--though I sometimes long to travel again--I am really so very happy with the life God has given me!

6. This one's really exciting: One of the girls I disciple accepted Christ as her Savior two weeks ago. WHAHOO!!! I should probably move this one to number one!

7. I love teaching the middle schoolers on Sunday mornings...and that is SUCH a "God-thing." Prior to two years ago, I really disliked middle schoolers, despite my degree in secondary education. Now, teaching them is the highlight of my week!

8. God gives me the coolest ideas for teaching and applying His truths to the lives of my middle schoolers. Each week I ask Him how I am supposed to teach the passage, and each week we do something new and different that He has laid on my heart. I cannot tell you the blessing it is to be using His gifts through the enablement of His Spirit to teach His Word. I am humbled and blessed every week.

9. I love my work (supporting a local church administratively), but I don't like feeling that I can't do anything well due to how many things there are on my plate. Changes are slowly coming down the pike, but until then, I live under the tyranny of the urgent, constantly trying to just do enough to keep each ball I juggle from crashing into the ground. I look forward to the changes that are coming.

10. There are two rooms in heaven--other than the throne room of God--in which I hope to get to spend a lot of eternity: the library (there is so MUCH that I'd like to read, but I never have enough time to read it all) and the "Videos of History" room, where we'll get to see different events in history (or even our own little lives) from all the different perspectives, including God's. I really am looking forward to being able to see more of this life through the lens of His hand at work. I think that would be the coolest thing. (Just a caveat: I have no reason from Scripture, the authority on heaven, to believe these two rooms exist, but if they do, look for me there!)

Well, I've hit ten just as my lunch break is over, so I'll run for now. I'll work on composing something thought-provoking for next time!


(c) 2008


david santos said...

Thanks for your posting, Shalom.
have a good week

Anonymous said...

I think that is what I do. Just write. Sometimes I have an idea in mind, sometimes I do not. When I start to write my 10 thoughts rarely do I have 10 thoughts in my mind. It is fun to write.

I would love to see the Video's of History viewing room. It sounds really interesting. I wonder what HDTV and Surround Sound sound like in Heaven.

I would love to keep reading your blogs, so keep writing. Rachel the Wonderous

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

I like this one!