Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ten Things for Tuesday

Hmmmm...It's that time again. Time for me to come up with ten things that share a common bond, or ten things that are completely random. Today I can do about half of either. Let's see what I can cobble together for you...

Ten Things I Wouldn't Want to Be Without on A Deserted Island:
1. Dental Floss - I know I have issues here, but flossing is a big thing to me.
2. Lip Balm - I am totally addicted; I cannot stand my lips drying out.
3. A Bible with a Good Concordance & Cross-References - I need those helps!
4. Bug Spray - Mosquitoes LOVE me! (Ergo, summer is not my favorite season!)
5. SPF1000 Sunscreen - I fry like an egg!
6. Body Lotion - I am drryyyy, baby!
7. Anti-Perspirant - I am dry, except where I'm not... and I really hate being all sweaty.
8. Hmm...Uh, work gloves? They made me fearless last week...
9. A fully stocked, self-refilling grocery store with a great produce section - You wouldn't want me to have to hunt or grow my food, would you? Pu-lease.
10. People - okay, okay, so this makes it not a deserted island, but who said I wanted to be on one in the first place? Perhaps what I really need is just a vacation to the tropics...Wanna come?


(c) 2008


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

from one lip balm addict to another: I get it, I SO get it.
PS - your dentist must love you. I hate floss...my dentist does not appreciate this :)

Anonymous said...

1. I am glad you floss. I always floss, but I don't think it would be my first. However it could come in handy when eating wild boar. I am sure that would get stuck in your teeth.

2. I don't go anywhere with out my Carmex. Mark Kay was talking about how bad it is for you. I saw it on the web, so I thought. Ok, I will try something else. I did for 2 weeks. Were my lips not craving Carmex, NO!! They love the stuff. I always have 10 tubes of it around.

3. You really would not be on a deserted island with a Bible.

4. That would be nice. Makes it sound like you were planning to run.

5. You could get a combo sunscreen and bug spray. That would save room in your bag.

6. You would not need it. You have the sunscreen to keep you moist.

7. Yes, please.

8. I am sure they would work here also. Gloves are powerful. All worker guys have them. Just ask my 2 little ones. Actually they make you worker guys.

9. I am sure that is possible. We have Kum and Go's here. Think QuikTrip. They had a commercial like that for a while. The clerk came and restocked the fridge and handed the guy what he wanted.

10. I will so be there. When are you going?

So you actually did your own top 10. I commented back to you. Nancy Moser is the author that wrote Time Lottery. She also wrote The Steadfast Surrender. I am not sure if you read that one. I love her books. She is from Kansas City. So she writes about the midwest especially KC.

Have a great day. Did you enjoy the game last night?

joyce said...

No tropics for me, thanks. Now, a cool tour of Alaska when the misquitoes are not in abundance, maybe...

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

I would sooo love to be on ANY island right now!!!!I would live without lip gloss, without floss, I JUST WANT SOME WARM SUN!!!!

Anonymous said...

the tropics...YES! You KNOW how I love the water. And now I can enjoy it with my friend again :) . (Maybe ... You know the tropics are more hot than not, right?)

Lindsay said...

I'm there... when do we leave?? :)

Another great "ten" ... thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Hey you have a personal invitation to come to the tropics!!! Oh and when you get tired of the the tropics weather (because I am pretty sure you will since you do not like summer), we will just moozy on into the nice a/c in our house. Sound like a deal.

--Your far out friend in SEA