Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Where I Went


Remember me?

I've not been around here much this summer.

What I would like to say is that my two-month absence from blogging was because I bought one of those much-coveted, around-the-world tickets and did a quick tour to check out God's creation & handiwork on each continent.

Wouldn't it be amazing to be able to say that? I'd love to say that...if only it were true.

What's actually accurate is that I ceased blogging by accident. I:

1.) Got very busy at work.

2.) Did some vacation traveling.

3.) Updated my computer, which now won't use the 'paste' function in Internet Explorer...and it turns out I paste into my blog...a LOT. {This and future entries brought to you by Firefox.} I'm not sure why it took over a month for me to think, "Perhaps I should try another browser." I'm kind of a slow thinker sometimes. It's due to a coffee shortage, I think.

4.) I got overwhelmed by how much I had wanted to blog about but hadn't, feeling--as perfectionists are wont to--that I must catch up before moving on. Turns out, this isn't necessarily true. SWEET FREEDOM! :-)

...and the combination of these factors simply meant I didn't get here. And I've missed it. And you've missed it {wink}. I've composed many a pertinent and powerful post in my head over the summer. (The early morning alliteration is free!) But, to revel in the freedom I've discovered from the bondage of #4 above, I'm just gonna move on.

Okay...I might reach back a tiny bit and update you on a couple of things. 'Cause I'm a first-born, and we're all about order. {And tradition. And bossiness. But I digress..} But just a bit.

Okay, how about right now? I'll just give you a teaser: I hit a couple of big milestones in The Journey (code for my weight-loss journey). More on that soon...

Until then, I remain,
Mostly faithfully yours,

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. --I Thessalonians 5:23-24, NIV

{Bye Now!}

(c) 2009


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

missed you. glad you are "back".... laughing at you big time! *smile*

I am the baby of the fam and am driven to do posts in order, and have things just "So".....but I think I can thank my perfectionist mother for making me a good organizer! *smile*

Wow am I off track on the weight issue. humph.

Anonymous said...

These are great shots for the post :) . Made me smile BOTH times I came. Made me laugh the first. It's the Jomona I love!

u know who :) said...

STILL makes me laugh. Every time I pull it up.