Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nice Quotes On What It Takes...

Ministry is giving when you feel like keeping,
Praying for others when you need to be prayed for,
Feeding others when your own soul is hungry,
Living truth before people even when you can't see results,
Hurting with other people even when your own hurt can't be spoken,
Keeping your word even when it is not convenient.
It is being faithful when your flesh wants to run away.
-Author Unknown

Ministry: Doing what you cannot do with what you do not have for the rest of your life.
-Dr. Bill Lawrence, Prof. Em. at Dallas Theological Seminary



Lindsay said...

That last one is going on my list of favorites.

Jamie said...

I loved these...thanks for sharing.

joyce said...

Ministry sounds like being a mom. And thanks for sharing it. It came in handy as my brother's wife just lost her mom, and that poem made me think of her.