Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How do you know?

I have a decision to make. A tough one. A really tough one. And I just don't know what God would will.

The good people in my life have offered many suggestions as to how to hear the voice of God. So I thought maybe I would post it here: How do you recognize God's leading? How do you know you're keeping in step with His Spirit, especially in the hard decisions?

But reply quickly. I must make my decision very soon.


P.S. I have a pretty clear understanding of how God speaks into my life--and will share that in a follow-up post--but since I am currently stymied on this one, I thought I'd throw this one out for your insight!


Lindsay said...

From Chuck Swindoll's book - The Mystery of God's Will:

Obeying and delighting in God's will leads us to make major adjustments. And that requires us to release and risk - releasing the familiar and risking whatever the future may bring. That's the bottom line of fleshing out God's will.

In many ways, His will for us emerges very clearly as we go through this process we've been considering. But we do have to be willing to walk by faith, which means doing His will against seemingly insurmoutnable odds.

Praying for you "J" as you seek Him in all you do.

Much love - Lindsay

oh... and how do I recognize God's leading??... I live and choose by faith & usually see that I'm keeping in step with Him after the fact...

It's always later that I recognize it as His will... not sure if that's the right order to do it, but after the fact, it's obvious.

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Other than the obvious of reading His word and prayer...I most often feel/hear/know His specific leading for me, when I am pouring out my heart in worship to Him. Probably because it's the only time my inner voice in my head actually shuts-up enough to hear His still, small voice.

Praying He makes is ABUNDANTLY clear to you soon :)

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

peace. I have such a restless heart in the midst of decision time, but it seems he always gives me peace one way and apprehension the other.

Anonymous said...

My experience as been that when we are walking with the Lord, He makes His will clear (our paths "straight"--Prov. 3:6). I have experienced this especially in my married life, as we've looked to the Lord for His direction for ministry. When He moved us from my hometown to our present church, His leading was unmistakable--He would not let us miss it!

Have you ever felt like a spectator in your own life? When God's moving and orchestrating events was so powerful and sure that you could only watch in awe? I've had that feeling a couple of different times. Once was when I met my now-husband and knew early, early on that he was God's one tailor-made for me. Another time was our move here. I was watching God move very clearly, and I just followed Him--or, more accurately, allowed Him to carry me along in that perceived whirlwind of His will.

In daily things and in these big ones, too, as we move with prayer, asking God to guide our steps, a frequent addition to that prayer is asking Him to keep us in His will and to stop us from straying from it. If we're about to misstep in our effort to find and follow His will, we're asking Him to stop us! It's a prayer that I believe He has answered with a yes many times.

I trust you will know His perfect will for you soon, friend.

Anonymous said...

recently, i had an experience where i felt God moving me in a direction so strongly - and it was such a relief since i don't have that often. I understand the struggle of wondering & questioning. i guess i try to continue asking, as long as i am still seeking a clear direction. we can claim the promise that He will direct us, so there's so much comfort in that fact for me. :)

Rachel said...

It seems like you are getting some good advise. But you know all of that.

My advice is to trust your friend of many years!!! Just kidding.

I know that there are so many pros and cons to your decision. Usually something always outways something else, or other options are not available anymore.

As you are thinking, keep in mind what I said about my mom. Also think about stepping stones to other things. I am being vague on purpose. I honestly think that you are being given a good opportunity.

On the other hand. I know that things are going well for you.

I will pray that you will do what is best (and I promise not to be selfish)

joyce said...

I have been hesitant to comment, as I don't want to get between God and you. As someone commented before me, and as Dr. Laura says---there will be pros and cons to whatever you decide.

But, two examples recently that got my attention:

1. I was praying about my yarn habit of knitting dishrags and while Bob did not mind me spending money on the yarn and giving them away, I wanted it to honor God. My friend in Ennis has been using them to witness. She hands them to people and calls them grace rags and explains what grace means. She is so bold to share Jesus. She was amazed when ladies come back wanting more to give as gifts, and shove cash in her hand to cover postage.

2. This thought came to mind to delete the negative comments to one of my blog posts. So, I obeyed. And stuff hit the fan. The commenters got hostile and reposted, and even when I would delete them, they would copy and paste MY comments. It was creepy. So my dear husband helped me set up the comment moderator thingy.

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Someone once gave me the simplest of answers to that question that had been haunting me all my life. He said, "Love God and do what you want." Because if you REALLY love God with ALL your Heart, with All your Mind, and with all your soul, doing what you want will BE His will! Search your heart and soul!
If you Love Him fully, than His will will be what you want to do!
