Thursday, June 28, 2007


Well, I guess I took myself a little vacation, huh? (For those of you worried about my grammar skills, that is actually a language similar to English called "Southernese." In Southernese, that is correct grammar.)

Where have I been? Well....after wearing myself out during Music & Arts Camp, I spent time trying to clean up the mess I had left behind at work. Then, my mom came to visit (yea!) and I took some vacation time. Then I spent some time trying to clean up the mess I had left behind at work. (I have one of those jobs where the work just sits and waits for you when you’re gone. Actually, I suspect it's making like a rabbit and multiplying, but I can't prove that.) Then I wasn't feeling very well, so I took a sick day, and since then I've been spending time trying to clean...well, you get the idea. :-)

I don't have long now, but I wanted you to know what was up. I'll post more (and better) later.


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